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Ol Fosse d'Outh 1
6660 Houffalize
Houffalize is located in the Belgian Ardennes.
More info about directions by coach, Car or Train scroll down!
You can always contact us if you need help
Coach info tec 1011
- From Liège (gare des Guillemins quai D) to Houffalize (place Albert 1er) approximately 1h15
- From Arlon (Sq Astrid-R de Bastogne) to Houffalize
(place Albert 1er) approximately 1h15
Train info from Airports
- From Charleroi to Liège approximately 1h25
- From Brussels to Liège approximately 0h55
- From Koln to Liège approximately 1h05 (Thalys)
- From Dusseldorf to Liège approximately 1h40 (Thalys)
- From Paris Nord to Liège approximately 2h15 (Thalys)
- From Aachen to Liège approximately 0h25 (Thalys)
- From Luxemburg to Arlon approximately 0h50
- Brussels airport to Houffalize 1h40
- Charleroi airport to Houffalize 1h25
- Antwerp to Houffalize 2h
- Liège to Houffalize 0h50
- Luxemburg airport to Houffalize 1h15
- Koln to Houffalize 2h
- Frankfurt Airport to Houffalize 3h
- Paris airport to Houfflaize 3h20
- Lille to Houffalize 2h45
- Eindhoven to Houffalize 2h05
- Ostend airport to Houffalize 2h45
- Dover (UK) to Houffalize 4h45
- London airport to Houffalize 6h